details: 'annoying ud harass and i drop 30 min later'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
UndeadFixammplz (blue | 113 APM | 4544 actions | 40:07)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Armor
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova

» actions
Assign group hotkey33
Basic commands537
Build / train80
ESC pressed7
Enter build submenu21
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Give item / drop item4
Right click1794
Select / deselect769
Select group hotkey1133
Use ability155
4544 total
» units
Crypt Fiend15
Obsidian Statue7
33 total
» upgrades
Destroyer Form1
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Nerubian Tower1
Black Citadel2
Spirit Tower9
27 total
» build order
00:14 Altar of Darkness
00:16 Ziggurat
00:35 Crypt
00:57 Graveyard
01:14 Tomb of Relics
01:27 Ziggurat
02:29 Halls of the Dead
04:03 Nerubian Tower
04:09 Ziggurat
05:33 Slaughterhouse
05:35 Black Citadel
05:35 Black Citadel
06:27 Ziggurat
14:16 Ziggurat
17:19 Ziggurat
20:48 Ziggurat
20:50 Spirit Tower
20:50 Spirit Tower
20:50 Spirit Tower
20:56 Spirit Tower
20:56 Spirit Tower
21:33 Spirit Tower
22:10 Spirit Tower
22:11 Spirit Tower
22:47 Spirit Tower
24:09 Necropolis
25:52 Necropolis
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Dust of Appearance2
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Town Portal3
9 total
HumanMedic78 (teal | 44 APM | 1756 actions | 40:07)
Hero icon 7 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 3 Devotion Aura
Ability icon 1 Divine Shield
Ability icon 1 Resurrection

» actions
Assign group hotkey42
Basic commands4
Build / train81
Enter build submenu29
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item2
Right click564
Select / deselect297
Select group hotkey645
Use ability85
1756 total
» units
Mortar Team10
51 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower1
Arcane Tower1
Arcane Vault4
Lumber Mill1
Town Hall2
29 total
» build order
00:39 Altar of Kings
00:58 Farm
01:08 Blacksmith
01:23 Barracks
01:45 Farm
01:58 Scout Tower
02:24 Farm
02:33 Arcane Tower
03:03 Farm
04:43 Arcane Vault
05:25 Farm
07:42 Farm
07:59 Keep
08:31 Lumber Mill
08:33 Farm
11:45 Workshop
11:48 Farm
14:42 Farm
15:12 Farm
15:15 Farm
17:03 Farm
18:34 Arcane Vault
19:05 Workshop
19:49 Farm
23:31 Arcane Vault
24:26 Town Hall
28:41 Workshop
31:53 Arcane Vault
39:21 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Regeneration4
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Scroll of Healing2
Dust of Appearance1
Potion of Healing4
Scroll of Town Portal2
14 total
HumanwAkarainos (purple | 136 APM | 5447 actions | 40:07)
Hero icon 6 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Hero icon 6 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Ability icon 1 Avatar

» actions
Assign group hotkey111
Basic commands372
Build / train133
ESC pressed11
Enter build submenu42
Enter hero's abilities submenu12
Give item / drop item9
Right click1617
Select / deselect625
Select group hotkey2222
Use ability293
5447 total
» units
Gryphon Rider3
Dragonhawk Rider1
38 total
» upgrades
Sorceress Training1
Priest Training2
Long Rifles1
Animal War Training1
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault2
Scout Tower17
Guard Tower20
Gryphon Aviary3
Arcane Sanctum1
Town Hall1
Arcane Tower4
67 total
» build order
00:36 Altar of Kings
00:38 Barracks
00:48 Farm
01:03 Farm
01:33 Farm
01:50 Lumber Mill
01:57 Farm
02:27 Arcane Vault
04:38 Keep
04:38 Keep
05:41 Scout Tower
05:42 Blacksmith
05:45 Farm
06:15 Guard Tower
06:15 Guard Tower
07:10 Castle
07:10 Castle
07:13 Gryphon Aviary
07:16 Arcane Sanctum
09:44 Scout Tower
09:45 Scout Tower
09:48 Scout Tower
10:17 Guard Tower
10:17 Guard Tower
10:22 Guard Tower
10:22 Guard Tower
10:55 Guard Tower
10:55 Guard Tower
12:00 Guard Tower
12:11 Guard Tower
13:13 Guard Tower
13:42 Farm
19:05 Scout Tower
19:37 Guard Tower
19:38 Guard Tower
20:00 Farm
21:52 Town Hall
21:53 Scout Tower
21:53 Scout Tower
21:54 Scout Tower
21:55 Scout Tower
22:37 Guard Tower
22:37 Guard Tower
22:39 Scout Tower
22:40 Scout Tower
22:41 Scout Tower
22:43 Scout Tower
22:44 Scout Tower
23:04 Gryphon Aviary
23:08 Arcane Tower
23:08 Arcane Tower
23:09 Arcane Tower
23:10 Guard Tower
23:11 Arcane Tower
23:39 Guard Tower
23:39 Guard Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:56 Scout Tower
25:04 Guard Tower
25:04 Guard Tower
25:35 Arcane Vault
26:27 Farm
26:27 Farm
26:29 Farm
26:38 Gryphon Aviary
27:17 Farm
» items
Periapt of Vitality1
Scroll of Regeneration6
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Mechanical Critter1
Potion of Healing2
Ivory Tower3
Scroll of Town Portal4
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Orb of Fire3
Staff of Sanctuary2
27 total
NightElfmathSUCKS (yellow | 42 APM | 1387 actions | 33:13)
Hero icon 3 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 2 Black Arrow
Ability icon 1 Silence
Hero icon 1 Naga Sea Witch
Ability icon 1 Frost Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey18
Basic commands97
Build / train79
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Remove unit from queue6
Right click546
Select / deselect300
Select group hotkey255
Use ability63
1387 total
» units
Druid of the Talon4
52 total
» upgrades
Abolish Magic1
Druid of the Talon Training1
Strength of the Wild1
Reinforced Hides1
4 total
» buildings
Moon Well7
Ancient of War1
Altar of Elders2
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Life6
Tree of Ages3
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient Protector2
Ancient of Lore1
Ancient of Wind1
Tree of Eternity2
27 total
» build order
00:24 Moon Well
01:10 Ancient of War
01:19 Altar of Elders
01:50 Ancient of Wonders
07:56 Moon Well
07:57 Moon Well
07:58 Moon Well
08:26 Moon Well
08:28 Moon Well
10:30 Tree of Life
10:44 Tree of Life
10:55 Tree of Life
15:20 Tree of Ages
17:04 Altar of Elders
17:11 Hunter's Hall
19:24 Moon Well
20:01 Ancient Protector
20:04 Ancient Protector
20:13 Ancient of Lore
20:22 Ancient of Wind
21:53 Tree of Ages
23:59 Tree of Eternity
24:24 Tree of Ages
24:56 Tree of Eternity
27:40 Tree of Life
29:06 Tree of Life
30:19 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Mechanical Critter1
Scroll of Town Portal2
4 total
team 2
Random» HumanDASKA (green | 93 APM | 2765 actions | 29:44)
Hero icon 7 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport

» actions
Assign group hotkey58
Basic commands53
Build / train78
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item5
Right click1289
Select / deselect362
Select group hotkey771
Use ability123
2765 total
» units
Mortar Team9
Siege Engine4
31 total
» upgrades
Fragmentation Shards1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower1
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Tower1
Lumber Mill2
21 total
» build order
00:10 Barracks
00:22 Farm
00:30 Altar of Kings
00:58 Farm
01:14 Farm
01:36 Farm
02:23 Farm
02:42 Scout Tower
03:16 Arcane Vault
03:18 Arcane Tower
04:42 Keep
04:45 Farm
04:49 Lumber Mill
04:57 Lumber Mill
05:50 Blacksmith
06:47 Farm
07:17 Workshop
07:20 Workshop
09:13 Castle
12:07 Farm
19:59 Farm
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Scroll of Regeneration3
Lesser Clarity Potion5
Scroll of Town Portal5
Potion of Healing6
Potion of Mana3
Scroll of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Boots of Speed1
Ivory Tower1
27 total
Undeadsapid (red | 73 APM | 1913 actions | 26:12)
Hero icon 4 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 4 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey34
Basic commands36
Build / train69
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu12
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item2
Right click899
Select / deselect262
Select group hotkey491
Use ability95
1913 total
» units
Crypt Fiend18
Frost Wyrm2
28 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace2
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower1
Nerubian Tower2
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit2
17 total
» build order
00:19 Crypt
00:24 Graveyard
00:34 Altar of Darkness
00:49 Ziggurat
01:24 Tomb of Relics
02:07 Ziggurat
04:05 Ziggurat
05:54 Halls of the Dead
06:35 Ziggurat
07:12 Ziggurat
12:40 Spirit Tower
12:42 Nerubian Tower
12:42 Nerubian Tower
14:52 Black Citadel
15:14 Sacrificial Pit
15:18 Sacrificial Pit
17:25 Boneyard
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Potion of Healing8
Scroll of Town Portal4
Potion of Mana2
Orb of Corruption2
17 total
OrcHangEmHigh (orange | 93 APM | 3730 actions | 40:08)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey88
Basic commands32
Build / train79
Enter build submenu33
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item36
Right click1800
Select / deselect404
Select group hotkey1058
Use ability193
3730 total
» units
Wind Rider3
Troll Batrider8
28 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Troll Regeneration1
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire1
Reinforced Defenses1
11 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow5
Altar of Storms1
Voodoo Lounge2
War Mill2
Watch Tower17
33 total
» build order
00:13 Orc Burrow
01:00 Orc Burrow
01:05 Altar of Storms
01:07 Barracks
01:50 Voodoo Lounge
02:55 Stronghold
04:15 War Mill
07:57 Beastiary
08:00 Beastiary
09:34 Watch Tower
09:34 Watch Tower
09:36 Watch Tower
09:37 Watch Tower
11:15 Orc Burrow
11:16 Orc Burrow
13:04 Fortress
14:09 Watch Tower
14:09 Watch Tower
14:11 Watch Tower
14:58 Orc Burrow
20:37 War Mill
21:32 Beastiary
21:34 Watch Tower
21:35 Watch Tower
32:41 Watch Tower
32:41 Watch Tower
32:41 Watch Tower
32:41 Watch Tower
32:42 Watch Tower
32:55 Watch Tower
32:55 Watch Tower
32:56 Watch Tower
34:40 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve11
Lesser Clarity Potion6
Potion of Mana3
Potion of Healing3
Scroll of Town Portal5
Staff of Teleportation1
Tiny Great Hall1
30 total
Random» UndeadPoopMachineFart (pink | 44 APM | 1687 actions | 38:42)
Hero icon 4 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 2 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 2 Engineering Upgrade

» actions
Assign group hotkey2
Basic commands68
Build / train64
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu18
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Right click843
Select / deselect570
Select group hotkey1
Use ability111
1687 total
» units
Obsidian Statue4
36 total
» upgrades
Unholy Strength1
Necromancer Training2
Skeletal Longevity1
Exhume Corpses1
Skeletal Mastery1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower2
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower1
Sacrificial Pit1
Temple of the Damned2
Black Citadel1
30 total
» build order
00:08 Crypt
00:13 Altar of Darkness
00:44 Ziggurat
01:44 Ziggurat
01:47 Tomb of Relics
01:53 Graveyard
02:46 Nerubian Tower
02:46 Nerubian Tower
04:12 Ziggurat
04:12 Ziggurat
04:59 Halls of the Dead
05:03 Ziggurat
05:04 Ziggurat
05:05 Ziggurat
07:30 Spirit Tower
08:01 Slaughterhouse
08:03 Slaughterhouse
08:09 Slaughterhouse
08:15 Ziggurat
08:16 Ziggurat
08:17 Ziggurat
08:27 Sacrificial Pit
09:19 Temple of the Damned
09:21 Temple of the Damned
09:29 Slaughterhouse
11:51 Black Citadel
14:58 Slaughterhouse
19:45 Ziggurat
19:46 Ziggurat
19:51 Ziggurat
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Potion of Healing2
Potion of Invisibility2
Boots of Speed1
Staff of Teleportation1
Circlet of Nobility1
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion1
12 total

Chat log

(00:05 / All) wAkarainos: good movie oj
(00:12 / All) wAkarainos: gl hf bro
(00:14 / Allies) sapid: 50 gold plz
(00:23 / All) HangEmHigh: movie sux compared to his others, but, awesome title
(00:26 / Allies) sapid: ty
(00:32 / All) HangEmHigh: gl hf 2 u 2 bro

(05:22 / Allies) HangEmHigh: go play solo retard lmao
(05:22 / All) wAkarainos: WAHHHHH
(05:28 / All) wAkarainos: YELLOW IS CRYINBG BABY GONNA CRY
(06:10 / Allies) DASKA: lel
(06:19 / Allies) HangEmHigh: help
(07:18 / Allies) HangEmHigh: helpo assholes
(07:25 / Allies) sapid: ur fine for now
(07:41 / Allies) HangEmHigh: yeah everything gets delayed
(08:07 / Allies) HangEmHigh: help assholes
(08:11 / Allies) sapid: stfu
(08:12 / Allies) HangEmHigh: he has mas tier 1
(08:15 / Allies) sapid: dumb fuck
(08:25 / Allies) HangEmHigh: awesome ally

(09:32 / Allies) DASKA: 2k5 gold
(09:33 / Allies) DASKA: ..
(09:37 / Allies) sapid: ..
(09:43 / Allies) sapid: awesome ally
(09:53 / Allies) sapid: we carry him all game
(09:55 / Allies) HangEmHigh: I'm getting 40+ food rushed and no help
(09:55 / Allies) HangEmHigh: lol
(09:58 / Allies) sapid: and he complains
(10:01 / Allies) HangEmHigh: yeah my shit was delayed
(10:03 / Allies) HangEmHigh: you dumb fuckign queer
(10:12 / Allies) sapid: u sound mad
(10:16 / Allies) sapid: cause bad
(10:23 / Allies) HangEmHigh: cuz I didn't fucking mass tier 1
(10:27 / Allies) HangEmHigh: youi fuckign retarded faggot
(10:50 / Allies) sapid: mad cause bad

(13:16 / Allies) HangEmHigh: getting bat
(13:41 / All) sapid: hacking human?
(13:48 / All) wAkarainos: hacking undead? always comes when I leave my base
(13:58 / Allies) DASKA: b
(14:07 / All) sapid: thats a yes
(14:15 / All) wAkarainos: how am I hacking LOL
(14:48 / Allies) sapid: b

(16:39 / All) sapid: hack away
(16:58 / Allies) DASKA: where are u man om
(17:00 / Allies) DASKA: omg
(17:11 / Allies) DASKA: go

(18:12 / Allies) DASKA: make necro omg
(18:26 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: you were hitting yeals hero
(18:29 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: not his rifels
(18:29 / Allies) HangEmHigh: wood?
(18:31 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: i neec corpses
(18:46 / Allies) sapid: top so dumb lol
(18:56 / Allies) DASKA: y
(19:35 / Allies) DASKA: need all meet and go
(19:48 / Allies) DASKA: orc come
(20:14 / Allies) sapid: focus morts
(20:50 / Allies) sapid: how he lvl 6 lol
(20:54 / Allies) DASKA: because top ud
(20:55 / Allies) DASKA: feed him
(21:15 / Allies) DASKA: tinker 2..

(22:24 / Allies) sapid: out
(22:53 / Allies) sapid: stop feed omg
(23:02 / Allies) sapid: wtf
(23:23 / Allies) DASKA: we lose
(23:24 / Allies) DASKA: b
(23:24 / All) wAkarainos: right as towers go up lol
(23:27 / All) wAkarainos: you hack for sure
(23:30 / All) wAkarainos: then claim I hack
(23:32 / All) DASKA: BACK
(23:33 / All) DASKA: OMG
(23:36 / All) DASKA: fucking team
(23:50 / All) wAkarainos: good job losing everything red
(23:51 / All) wAkarainos: hacker down
(23:54 / All) sapid: yes i take a chance when u all around me lmao
(24:05 / All) sapid: clearly hacking btw
(24:08 / All) wAkarainos: how
(24:11 / All) sapid: ?
(24:18 / All) wAkarainos: what makes you think that
(24:22 / All) wAkarainos: because I'm better?
(24:30 / All) sapid: what makes you think im hacking lol
(24:42 / All) wAkarainos: perfect timings
(24:45 / All) wAkarainos: always know when I leave my base
(24:47 / All) wAkarainos: or when my expo goes up
(24:50 / All) wAkarainos: and towers aren't finished
(24:51 / All) sapid: but you all around me
(24:55 / All) sapid: lol
(24:55 / All) wAkarainos: you call me a mher to deflect your own obvious hacking
(25:06 / All) sapid: wy would i risk it lol
(25:13 / All) DASKA: fucking ud feeding
(25:13 / All) wAkarainos: because you suck
(25:14 / All) sapid: if i knew 3 of u around me
(25:20 / All) wAkarainos: and your hacks don't make you good
(25:24 / All) sapid: lol
(25:28 / All) sapid: u low iq
(26:07 / Allies) HangEmHigh: gold?

(27:25 / All) DASKA: poopmachinefart worst player ever
(28:05 / Allies) HangEmHigh: leave items
(28:25 / Allies) HangEmHigh: cocjksucker
(28:35 / Allies) HangEmHigh: take all the itmes faggot
(28:39 / All) DASKA: and now this orc tk
(28:42 / All) DASKA: so retard
(28:44 / Allies) HangEmHigh: YOU TOOK ALL THE ITMES
(28:45 / Allies) HangEmHigh: FAGGOT
(28:47 / Allies) HangEmHigh: I SAID DON'T
(28:52 / Allies) DASKA: need gold
(28:53 / Allies) DASKA: i sell
(29:34 / All) HangEmHigh: lol blue hacks 100%
(29:40 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: yep
(29:42 / All) PoopMachineFart: yep
(29:45 / All) Fixammplz: lol?
(29:46 / All) PoopMachineFart: hes obvious

(31:00 / All) mathSUCKS: trolls idiots and assholes
(31:10 / All) wAkarainos: talking about yourself?
(31:14 / All) mathSUCKS: purp and pinko are prob the same dude
(31:21 / All) PoopMachineFart: hacking fag
(31:47 / All) mathSUCKS: sure jan
(31:49 / All) wAkarainos: wc3 doesn't take much bandwidth
(31:56 / All) mathSUCKS: keep on trolling buddy
(32:27 / All) mathSUCKS: pinko purp and oj prob all the same dude
(32:56 / All) mathSUCKS: thanks buddy keep on trolling

(36:58 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: any spare gold
(37:00 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: for an orb
(37:10 / Allies) PoopMachineFart: for my inker
(37:50 / All) HangEmHigh: blue was losing 30 food vs 40 plus
(38:02 / All) HangEmHigh: when I was just hoping he'd fuck off so I could creep
(38:07 / All) Fixammplz:
(38:09 / All) HangEmHigh: like all he did was delay my exp
(38:12 / All) HangEmHigh: but did nothing to my team
(38:30 / All) wAkarainos: I'm not looking at your virus blue
(38:33 / All) wAkarainos: Link a trustworthy site
(38:38 / All) wAkarainos: I got hacked through this game before
(38:40 / All) PoopMachineFart: lol orange is tking
(38:40 / All) wAkarainos: I'm paranoid now
(38:43 / All) Fixammplz: lol is one of the big three
(38:45 / All) Fixammplz: lol
(38:59 / All) Fixammplz: gotomeeting, and zoom.
(39:00 / All) wAkarainos: Why would I want to screen share with you
(39:11 / All) Fixammplz: so i can show you im not hacking...
(39:11 / All) wAkarainos: what is that site
(39:18 / All) HangEmHigh: I wanted 30 food for creeping, and then chill hoarding gold
(39:24 / All) wAkarainos: I don't think it's worth being hacked to see if you are hacking or not dude
(39:30 / All) Fixammplz:
(39:33 / All) wAkarainos: sorry, I got hacked through WC3 before
(39:35 / All) HangEmHigh: but red wouldn't hlep at all
(39:43 / All) wAkarainos: I'm not joking either
(39:44 / All) Fixammplz: its a mainstream video conferenceing site, lol
(39:55 / All) wAkarainos: Yeah well I got hacked through teamspeak last time I got hacked through this game
(39:58 / All) wAkarainos: I thought that was legit too
(40:00 / All) Fixammplz: well